Tuesday, May 17, 2011

1000 gifts, Part 3

I cannot express how blessed I have felt the past week. Glimpses of sun and warm weather have boosted all our moods. Sam has began the journey of potty training, he is so happy and so proud of himself. With Easter passing Ryan is back to his consistent schedule and is home in the evening.

Here is the next section of my 1000 gifts...

#36 Ryan's days off.

#37 Making memories.

#38 Dry weather!

#39 Safe public parks, allowing our family to have a free family day.

#40 Looked over steak in the freezer, impromptu BBQ.

#41 Energy to get some housework done.

#42 Fenced backyard, allowing Sam to roam.

#43 Hard working husband

#44 Great book and time to read it.

#45 The moments when Sam just wants a hug.

#46 Being able to open our windows and let the breeze blow through.

#47 Gardening.

#48 Creating a useable space in our backyard.

#49 Energy this morning!

#50 Day 2 of no diapers!

#51 Seeing Sam's excitement and pride when he uses the potty.

#52 Heat in our home so Sam can run around without pants (makes potty training so much easier)

#53 Being able to devote a week to Sam and potty training.

#54 “Sam's new puppy” at Papa and Grandma Murphy's house.

#55 Having a new free activity while we play with and walk the puppy.

What else I am up to today...

- Detail clean the kitchen, finally stop cleaning around the stuff that doesn't belong there and put it away.

- Go through Sam's clothes, goodbye high waters and 3/4 length sleeves.

- Pick up everything in the living room, again stop cleaning around the stuff that doesn't belong.

- Vacuum.

- Spend 15 minutes emptying the spare bedroom or soon to be babies room.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

1000 Gifts, Part 2

The past few weeks have whirled by. Realized today that I haven't shared my progress on my goal of reaching 1000 gifts.

I am loving this process. God is using this list to help me find joy in each moment. Even the ones I would rather look over, like a toddler with the stomach flu or the symptoms of early pregnancy.

#7 hugs from Sam

#8 Loving husband who puts us first

#9 Comfort of our home

#10 Rest

#11 Our God who can do anything, even things we cannot comprehend

#12 Husband who parents with me

#13 Loving god

#14 Husband's flexible schedule

#15 The love between Ryan and Sam

#16 Being able to stay home and care for our sick son

#17 Helpful husband

#18 TV to distract Sam while I am not feeling well

#19 Sister who lives close by

#20 Tauna's love for Sam

#21 Lazy days

#22 Being able to comfort Sam

#23 Extra Sheets

#24 Gifts from family

#25 God's financial provision

#26 Blooming Lilacs

#27 Hearing our little peanuts heartbeat

#28 The resources to make our family healthful meals

#29 The desire to make our family healthful meals

#30 Husband's support

#31 Ryan's 4 day weekend!

#32 Wonderful day trip to the beach

#33 Incredible son who enjoyed the day in the car

#34 Singing with Sam before bedtime.

#35 The joy of seeing Sam learn the signs for “Jesus Loves Me.”

Saturday, April 16, 2011

1000 gifts

I have been following a few blogs in which the writers are practicing the art of being thankful. They are doing this by following the example of Ann Voskamp and her book “1000 Gifts”. I have yet to read this book but I have heard rave reviews. Essentially, the challenge is to change your perspective and cultivate a heart of thankfulness by making a list of 1000 gifts or moments you are thankful for.

I have been mulling over this idea for a few months. After a night of grouchy Sam, temper tantrums and pure exhaustion I found myself at my wits end. I resorted to yelling and being too hard on my sweet boy. After the shame subsided I quickly made the decision to change my perspective and start my list of 1000 gifts.

I thought I would share a few items from my list and maybe a few pictures along the way.

# 1 A healthy pregnancy

#2 Warm tea on a stormy night

#3 The messes of an active toddler

#4 Soothing a tired and cranky toddler

#5 Prayers for my sons future

#6 Being able to hold and love my sweet boy

This is just a start, but I can already see the change of perspective. Maybe you are not interested in committing to 1000 gifts. I challenge you to write down 4 or 5. It is amazing what a attitude of thankfulness can accomplish.

What else I am up to today...

  • I am working at staying on top of housework while battling morning sickness and fatigue. Each day this looks different. Today it was setting a timer for 15 minutes, every 15 minutes I got up and picked up the house for 3 minutes. Sounds silly but it kept me moving and I had a sense of accomplishment.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Our Gift

I love seeing God work in our lives. I love being able to clearly identify where we end and His grace begins. Of course it doesn't always happen this way. I usually am confident that I have it all worked out my way and with my timing (yes, you can laugh).

In October I posted about the excitement and hope we had for what God was doing in our lives at that point. Little did I know, I only saw a small part of God's masterpiece. I ended this post saying...

“I can vaguely see the outline of where this road is going, and I cannot wait to get there. Although, if the road makes an unexpected turn or there are bumps along the way I can say that I will still enjoy the ride and I have faith that where we end up will be even better then where I imagine we are going.”

As I wrote this paragraph something stirred inside me. When I read the paragraph to Ryan I had tears rolling down my face. I had no idea why I was reacting this way but I knew there was something powerful about what God just wrote through me.

A week before this post we had found out I was pregnant. A week after this post I miscarried the baby. This wasn't my first miscarriage experience, but it never gets easier. I was naive enough to think that since I had Sam I was healed and would not have to deal with this pain again. As I processed the pain of loosing this baby God brought me back to this blog post several times. Each time I would revel at the clarity and truth of the statement. It truly was amazing, I thought I was writing about great promise and hope, yet God was writing through me the exact statement I would need to hear when I was in great pain. God is loving and powerful.

Much has changed since this post in October. Much has changed in the last few weeks. We continued to follow God down the road He was leading us. Unsure of where we would end up. He has again shown us his love and blessing through expecting another child!

We had our first doctors appointment earlier this week and they were able to confirm a healthy baby and we could see the little heartbeat! After experiencing the early loss of a baby I cannot explain the overwhelming joy we experienced when we saw that fluttering little heart. As if the moment wasn't emotional enough Sam contributed by saying “baby” and blowing kisses at the monitor.

I am very thankful for my little family and I am very thankful for God's love and faithfulness.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Callahan Wedding Quilt

My lovely sister was married a few weeks ago. The event was a family affair for the Murphy Clan: Ryan officiated the service, I had the privilege of supporting my sister as her matron of honor and Sam provided the comedy in the position of Ring Bearer.

The wedding was beautiful. From the quartet that provided the music as guests were seated to the emotion behind the vows the couple spoke. This will be a day many will remember for a long time.

One thing I appreciated was how much the day reflected the couple we were there to celebrate. Tauna, my sister, did a great job of incorporating her love of music and art. One way she incorporated this was her wedding quilt.

During the reception each guest designed a quilt square. Creativity was encouraged and the guests came through! There is a portrait of the couple, well wishes and many scriptures and prayers.

While the couple enjoyed their honeymoon it was my task to piece the squares together and finish their wedding quilt. I was very happy to complete this for the special couple. What an honor to be able to weave together all of these memories and create something that the couple will cherish throughout their marriage. It was a great feeling to pass the finished product off to the bride, knowing that this piece will contribute to the warmth and love of their home.

Of course, Sam had to get in on the fun and "cheese" for the picture.

Many wishes to the Callahan's and thank you for including us on your special day!

What else I am up to today...
- Visiting Grandma and Grandpa Teague
- Spent 15 minutes with God, through worship and bible study. Something I have been trying to fit in more but keep procrastinating.
- Skim my closet for clothes that I have no intention of wearing again. The struggle here is I have clothes I love, but don't wear. Well, it is time to let somebody else love them.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Scrap Pillow

I am notorious for substituting materials for crafts or ingredients for recipes. I would much rather use what I have around the house then spend the money. This really takes the pressure off to make what I make "perfect". If I didn't spend money I won't beat myself up if it doesn't turn out! Although I have found that many substitutions work just as good if not better then the original.
I recovered and designed this pillow using fabric scraps and an old throw pillow. I got the inspiration for this project from another blog, this is just my interpretation (so please don't give me any credit!)

What else I am up to today...
- Family day! No big plans, but looking forward to an adventure or two.
- Finish my sister's "wedding quilt" (pictures coming soon!)

Sam's Memory Quilt

Sam's Christmas present this year was a quilt made out of his baby clothes. I made it to fit a twin size bed so when he made the move to his big boy bed it would fit nicely. Last night marked the first night in his big boy bed, I am so excited to share my special project!

I got this idea from my good friend, Tristan. She, like me, was tired of saving huge containers of baby clothes but wanted to save the memories. Thanks for the idea Tristan!

Along with his quilt I made Sam a little elephant. The fabric matches the border and backing of his quilt. It was quick and easy and made entirely from scrapes. Gotta love that!

I hope this encourages you to get creative or finish those projects that are taking up closet space!

What else I am doing today...
- Sam has a play date with his friend Izzy
- Making corned beef and cabbage for dinner!
- Working on my Daily Plan

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Basic Weekly Plan

Once we made the decision to have me stay home I knew that I needed a basic weekly plan, I needed to create routines and I needed to stay motivated. I have been working on these 3 things for the past 2 weeks and feel that I have made some progress.
I have talked before about the power of inertia. Basically, if you are moving you naturally want to keep moving, but if you are not moving you naturally do not want to move. This doesn't only apply in science class, this applies to laziness/productiveness too! Well, the past 2 weeks I have made a habit out of not sitting down, especially when Sam goes to bed or when he is enjoying his screen time in the morning. If I make these critical mistakes my whole day is ruined. Instead of cleaning up or finishing laundry during his nap, I never get around to it. Instead of Sam enjoying 1 episode of Sesame Street he spends the whole morning in front of the TV. In addition to not following our routines, I beat myself up for not using my time wisely or being more engaged with Sam. This results in Ryan coming home to a house that isn't picked up, a cranky wife and a needy baby. To me, it is worth having computer time while standing at the counter or folding/putting away clothes while watching Ellen.
I wanted to share my basic weekly plan and encourage you to make one of your own.

Remember, the goal here is progress not perfection. Most days I do not complete everything on my list, but I refuse to beat myself up. I look at it this way: setting a goal and almost making it is better then not setting a goal and doing nothing.
Each day I have a room to focus on. Basically, if I have a minute or 2 I try to do something to organize this room.
As you can see I "award" myself with stickers when I complete a task. Just because it is fun!

What else I am up to today...
- Laundry
- Matching some socks. (woohoo!!!)
- And of course my "Weekly Plan" tasks.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Family Update

February was a month of transition and change for our family. Hence, the break from blogging. We spent our "Free Time" seeking our Father's direction and wisdom. We haven't yet emerged from this season, but things seem to be calming down.
The most notable transition was me resigning from my position at Multnomah University. This was a bittersweet transition. I will miss the rewarding work and the community, however this transition is allowing me the opportunity to stay at home with my sweet boy. As you can imagine, or may have experienced, there are a lot of things to consider and a lot of added stress when making a decision such as this. I am thankful for my patient husband and the clear voice of God as we considered each element.
This was a transition we have been waiting for since Sam was born. The first day I returned to work from maternity leave and had to leave my sweet baby I knew I was not cut out for working away from the home. Almost 2 years later leaving never got easier. Each time Sam was sick, grumpy or got an "owie" I would beat myself up for not being there. I would beat myself up for being distracted at work. I would beat myself up for expecting my exhausted husband to raise our son 90% of the time.
I have always been Queen of burning the wick at both ends. During high school I worked full-time each summer and up to 35 hours/week during the school year. I struggled to do well in school and keep friends. During college I continued to work full-time and took up to 20 credits each semester. My relationships were non-existent, but I was determined to make the most of my education and spent every spare moment earning my 3.9 GPA. Now, as a wife and mom, something had to give.
I don't believe God wants us to be idle, however he doesn't want us over-exerted and useless either.
I applaud the moms who can work full-time and still be connected at home. For me, it wasn't working.
I am preparing myself, just in case this is a temporary scenario, in the meantime be prepared for much more writing and many new home experiments!

What else I am up to today:
- Sam has a "Cookie Date" with his 2nd cousin (??) Lilah.
- Tested out the "mom 2 mom" group at Good Shepherd.
- Write down a simple morning and evening routine.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Need motivation to lower your energy costs?

Earth Aid does just that. All you do is link your utility accounts to their website. They will begin comparing your utility usage to your usage last year. Each month that you use less energy you can earn rewards!
Visit their website to sign up. They also offer tips to lower your costs.
What a great way to continue the green initiative that should be happening in each home.
Even if you don't buy the whole "going green" philosophy, getting paid to lower your bills? Who doesn't love that?
Join Earth Aid

Friday, February 4, 2011

Stress, Anxiety and Insecurities.

I have recently begun using journaling as stress relief. Last month I began having trouble sleeping; spending hours wide awake, over thinking each and every area of my life. I quickly became anxious and stressed. While discussing this with my lovely sister, she suggested using a journaling method she uses in times like these. Her goal is to journal 3 pages, writing continuously and not filtering anything that comes to mind. Even if you can’t think of something to write, keep the pen moving. This could mean writing “I can’t think of anything to write.” Or “The pen is moving” over and over.
Once I began using this journaling method I found it very soothing. I wrote down all of the thoughts that were making me anxious, along with any actions I could take to alleviate the stress or anxiety. Writing these things down then reminds me to discuss what I need to with Ryan or take the required actions the next day.
Journaling also allows me to explore how I am feeling and why. Identifying my emotions has always been tough for me. Using this tool to work through my emotions before taking them out on whoever is around has been great.
Often, while I am writing, God places certain things on my heart, or will whisper His promises. This happened yesterday and I thought I would share the message.
First, some background: I have always dealt with several insecurities. More times than not, these insecurities stop me from speaking my mind or being open with people. I have been working on my confidence over the past year and have seen some improvements, but I still have bad days or certain situations will bring up the lingering feelings of inadequacy. I was having one of these days yesterday. Having every sentence I said questioned or judged. I realized this has been happening for a while and feeding my anxiety.
While writing about this during my journal time here is what God pressed on my heart:
“When I constantly question my thoughts or so carefully shield my sentences I am developing insecurity where God wants abundance.”
Now, this goes beyond using discretion. I encourage everybody to think about what they say, before they say it. However, I know that I have stopped myself from saying something that could have encouraged somebody or could have been something God needed them to hear. I have been allowing myself to get in the way of God’s message.
I need to hold onto God’s promises. God created me just the way I am. He adores my quirks and my odd sense of humor. Hiding this or filtering it out of each conversation is hiding a piece of God’s masterpiece. Essentially, I am smudging the paint on something God sees as perfect.
My mission this month is to step out in confidence and allow others to see the Elyse God created.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cleaning up our dirty little secrets...3

Nothing like a sleeping baby, working husband and a list of podcasts to get you in the mood to organize!
Cupboard #1-
Here is what we started with...
This cupboard is closest to the sink and dishwasher, it quickly turned into a catch-all for every reusable glass or plastic container (and of course, our sham-wows, lol).
Since canning last fall I have A LOT of extra canning jars this time of year and have no need for the dozens of salsa, juice and spaghetti sauce jars. So these all went into the curby to be recycled. The sham-wows went to the hall closet so they will stop reminding me of the silly, impulse purchase (actually Ryan convinced me to buy them more of a joke then anything).
I then used this cupboard to house all my small appliances that were taking up valuable counter space. My new rule is that things have to earn their way on our countertops. If they don't get used every day they get put away. The only thing sitting out now is our coffeepot and large cutting board.
Here is the cupboard now...

Cupboard #2-
I seemed to have lost the before picture of this cupboard. You will have to trust me that it was a disaster. This is where we stored cookbooks, water bottles and pitchers. There was not enough room for everything and the shelves were not tall enough to have the items stand up. The cupboard couldn't close and things were always falling out.
To start I got rid of all of the water bottles we had and didn't use, who wants to look at 6 Providence Hospital water bottles and remember the many stays for preterm labor? I just kept 2 water bottles and 2 travel coffee cups. We can only use 2 at a time anyway!
I removed one of the shelves to make more room to allow the cookbooks to stand up.
Here is what we ended up with...
I am so happy with how they turned out! I was also thrilled to have another box to take to goodwill, excited to clear more clutter!

What else I am up to today...
-Cleared the family room to prepare for our new roommate (my sister-in-law) to move in. I can't wait!
-Laundry, laundry, laundry!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


My husband and my son are easily my favorite people. I love the little family we have created. In my opinion, we do life well together. We have learned to communicate openly, learn from each other and grow with each other.
Since Sam was born my husband and I have worked very hard to keep alternating work shifts so one of us can be home raising our son. Creating these schedules and still fitting in family time is not an easy task. However, I look at it as a blessing. We have been given a gift that most people receive too late in life. That gift is learning to enjoy each moment and soak up the moments you want to remember forever.
I think we all struggle with wanting more. Which is natural and ok. However, if that consumes your mind and you can't focus on what you have then there is a problem. Contentment has always been a problem for me. I have had many growth points in this area in the past couple years. One of those was just yesterday...
The Murphy house is currently battling colds. Sam has the seal-like cough attacks that signal croup. Seeing my son exhausted, congested and struggling to breath is heartbreaking. Add to that, me fighting the same congestion and Ryan working all weekend and you get one very emotional Elyse. After a long day of blowing noses, checking temperatures, warming honey and preparing steam rooms I was exhausted. When Sam had finally fallen asleep, Ryan came home and I was off to go grocery shopping. At the end of the day, I looked around and realized the house was clean, the pantry was full and my family was home. I took a moment to soak up the contentment.
It is no secret that Ryan and I would love to have more children. It is also no secret that we went through many, many struggles to have Sam. In the background yesterday was the soothing voice reminding me that I have many, many blessings. Do not ignore those to focus on the possibility of more.

What else I am doing today...
Today I am just focusing on "doing it now". Picking stuff up and doing some cleaning when I have a minute.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Chores or Play?

I have been convicted in my thinking towards housework.
Somehow, somewhere I picked up the idea that housework was an option.
When I have a free moment I think “should I do housework or should I do something fun?” Well that is a no brain-er. Of course I am going to choose something fun!
What I didn't even consider is that housework is not an option!
The laundry needs to be done, the floors need to be mopped, the toilet needs to be cleaned.
I need to stop weighing housework against something more fun and just do it!
Didn't our mamas teach us that our chores have to be done before we can play?
Have you considered that when you choose not to do the housework you are asking somebody else to do it? It needs to be done. So if you don't do it, who is going to? Your husband? Your kids? Your mom when she comes to visit?
I believe that everybody in the house should have a role in the cleaning, but you have to set the example. If you set the example of reading, crafting, computer-time, whatever instead of housework that is what your family will do too.
I know from experience when I read, craft or play with Sam it is easier to enjoy when the chores are done. So now when I have some free time I spend 5, 10 or 15 minutes getting some chores done then jump in wholeheartedly to a fun activity.
My challenge for myself this year is to “Get stuff done”, with my new attitude towards housecleaning I think this is going to be much easier.

Are there chores you have been procrastinating on? Get up right now, set a timer for 5 minutes and do one!

What else I am doing today:
-Trying my hand at homemade Biscotti. It is in the oven now and oh my does it smell good!
-Spending 15 minutes organizing our important papers.
-Getting rid of 15 things from our “spare/office/craft/junk room”

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mini Smores Bites

...Because Smores are yummy in the middle of winter too!

After having so much fun clearing out my pantry I decided to have some fun in my kitchen and use up some of those ingredients that had been taking up valuable space, and that is how this recipe was born...

1 18.25 ounce package chocolate cake mix
1/2 cup instant cocoa
3 large eggs
1/2 cup softened butter
Mini Marshmallows

Preheat oven to 350*

Grease mini muffin pan (or use mini muffin cups). Of course you can use a regular muffin pan too, but these are the perfect size for Sam.

Mix ingredients until well blended. Use a tablespoon to spoon batter into muffin pan. Each cup should be 3/4 full. Top each muffin with 2 mini marshmallows.

Bake for 12 minutes. Let cool in pan for a few minutes before transferring to a cooling rack.

The next step is to try not to eat them all in one evening! Good luck!!!

What I am doing to today:
-Spend 15 minutes getting rid of paper clutter.
-Get rid of 10 things in our spare room (read junk room)
-Make a phone call I have been procrastinating about. (we all have them right? Dr appts., insurance questions, dentist appts. whatever yours is I challenge you to do it!)


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cleaning up our dirty little secrets...2

The thing I was dreading the most about organizing our kitchen was our pantry. Every time I try to organize the shelves it seems like they return to the crazy clutter within a month. I was getting tired of putting in the work when it only lasted a short time, so I let it get out of control. Keeping our new motto in mind I decided to just “get it done”. I did it alright, a complete overhaul. Here it is step-by-step:
First, I took everything out of the pantry (took 10 minutes)
Second, wiped down the shelves with a damp rag (took 2 minutes)
Third, filled a bag with food to donate. If you haven't done this in a while you may have more then a bag, we were just visited by the local boy scouts, so one bag was perfect. (took 4 minutes)
Next, consolidate any items that we had more then one package for. This step is what freed up the most space, we happened to have 3 jars of peanut butter, all less then half full, that's just one example of what I consolidated. I also put rice, lentils, quinoa and beans in large glass jars instead of storing them in the original packaging. This will also encourage me to buy these items in bulk. (took 15 minutes)
Then, put everything back in the pantry. Make sure to put all similar items together. For example, put pastas and rice together, snacks together, canned items together. I also put healthy items in front of those that aren't as good for us. For example, putting oatmeal and peanut butter in front of cold cereals or putting whole wheat pasta in front of enriched pasta. This way when we are looking for something to eat we see healthy choices first. I also put items that I only use together in plastic shoe containers. For example, baking items such as baking soda, extracts, organic sugars or paper/plastic products such as napkins, plates and forks. (took 20 minutes)
I took my time with this to make sure that how I was organizing was realistic and would be easy to maintain. Some of these steps can be completed in much less time then I took, I encourage you to do something, even if it is just one step. I am so happy with our finished product and it encourages me to get in the kitchen!

What else I am doing today:
-Made a “bed” out of a cereal box for Sam to use with his stuffed animals. He learned how to put his favorite monkey “nigh nigh”.
-Rake more leaves to add an extra layer on top of my garlic, getting ready for the cold weather tonight.
-Add to and rotate compost bin.

Friday, January 7, 2011

I would not love God.

I would not love a god who discriminated.

I would not follow a god whose plan was destruction.

I would not love a god who made us to judge.

I would not be passionate about a god who is passionless.

I would not love a god who saw us as our sin.

But the truth is I passionately love and follow a God who has dealt with our sin, sees us as his perfect creation and passionately loves me right back.

What does this mean?

I choose to love.

I do not discriminate.

I do not judge.

I am free to live and love life.

More importantly, I am free to love me.

I love you all too. I hope this encourages you to live in love. To stop the negative self talk. To stop judging yourself and others.

What I am up to today:
-Attended my dear grandma's funeral. Looking forward to celebrating her amazing life tomorrow at her memorial service.
-Pack up some clothes to take to goodwill (along with the 3 boxes of Sam's clothes we already have ready).
-Actually take the clothes to goodwill (haha)
-Sort through Sam's toys and get rid of anything that isn't age appropriate or broken.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Resolution (and a science lesson)

As I recently described, the Murphy Family had great success with our “New year’s resolution” for 2010. Because of this success I have decided to come up with a new “resolution” for 2011. I am hesitant to call it a “New Year’s resolution” because there are so many preconceived notions about the phrase. We are not resolving to stop doing one thing. We are creating a theme for the year to keep us focused.
Our theme this year is to “get stuff done”. Basically we are tackling our ever growing procrastination. I know it is a very general statement; it was designed to tackle a wide variety of things. This statement has already proven itself as helpful. Especially when I make the mistake of sitting down after work (you know, it is the law of inertia) I tell myself “this year I am going to get stuff done” then I get off my rump and do one thing. Chances are that one thing will propel me into something else. Then I can relax peacefully when stuff is picked up and laundry is started.
I am also going to add a section at the end of each blog I write. That section will be titled “What I am up to today” and will include a list of 2 or 3 things that I have done or will do that day. This is how you all are going to keep me motivated and accountable to getting stuff done. Also, please consider this list a challenge. If you see something pop up on the list that you have been procrastinating about consider it a dare to get it done (or even a double dog dare if you need more motivation). This way we will all get stuff done and stop the negative self talk that procrastination feeds.
I am also applying this phrase to the chores I do every day. Such as laundry. Oh, how I loathe folding and putting away laundry. Some weeks we live out of laundry baskets because of my hatred for putting away laundry. Well this year I am going to “get it done” this means that I am going to just fold and put away the laundry when it comes out of the dryer instead of letting it sit (again inertia, who said science class wasn’t helpful?!) In the same way I am going to follow every chore through to completion. This means: clearing dinner dishes right away, picking up crafts when I am done and teaching Sam to pick up toys when he is done with them.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Homemade Croutons

I love croutons. In my family we eat them as crackers, and when we have homemade croutons in the house we generally munch on them throughout the day. They are so simple to make, and the homemade version taste SO much better then what you buy at the store. I make these every couple weeks, I would make them more often if we could stop ourselves from eating them!

Preheat oven to 400*

Start with some stale bread (yes, you read that right, delicious and a great way to use up old bread!)

Cut it up into bite size pieces.

Place the bread on a baking sheet lined with foil.

Drizzle bread with olive oil. I use olive oil that comes in spray form similar to cooking spray, this works great for getting an even thin coating of olive oil.

Now comes the important part. Seasoning. It is important to not skimp on the seasoning, if you do, you will end up with toast not croutons.

Sprinkle granulated garlic and seasoning salt generously over the bread pieces. You should use the same amount of both and the top of the bread should be completely covered. Then lightly sprinkle with pepper.

Cook in oven for about 10 minutes, or until bread is toasted. Time may vary depending on how big the bread pieces are. Once pieces are toasted stir them around, turning most of them over. Add another thin layer of garlic, seasoning salt and pepper. Toast for another 2-3 minutes.

When done the bread will be completely toasted and crunchy.

Tonight we ate these croutons on caesar salad as a side to lasagna. Yum!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cleaning up our dirty little secrets...1

`Ok, here we go.

A couple weeks ago I shared a few of our dirty little secrets, now the work of cleaning them up begins. 

I started by organizing the catch-all cabinet by our microwave and oven.

Here is what we started with...

Because this cupboard is centrally located it should be designated for things that are frequently used and needed in a hurry.  Things such as oils, vinegars, salt and pepper.  As you can see this was originally my intention but then it began overflowing with things that can be stored elsewhere.  

I began by removing all of my baking items and putting them in a container to be placed in my pantry.  Generally, I only use these items together.  So I can easily grab the container, use the items I need then put them all away together.  This will also stop me from making several pantry trips during baking or rummaging through this catch-all cupboard for vanilla extract. 

My next step was to remove empty bottles and containers or combine half-full containers.

Then I removed stray spices that should be in my spice drawer.  When I did this I got distracted by my spice drawer (haha).  This drawer is at toddler level and often gets raided by little fingers.  My theory has always been, they are only spices for the most part they are inexpensive and they are not harmful.  However, the little fingers have been slowly turning this organized drawer into spice soup.  The bottles have been tipped over, shuffled around and some of them are missing their tops.   To remedy this situation I placed all my spices in a tin container that has a tight fitting lid.  Now while I am cooking I can remove the lid, use what I need and then return the lid during kitchen clean-up.  This will stop little fingers from shuffling around these spices during kitchen down-time. 

Sam has recently learned that he can open the column of drawers in our kitchen and use them as steps up to the kitchen counter.  Since the tin container is almost the same size as the drawer, it has stopped him from stepping into this particular drawer.  I will consider that one step in the right direction.  (pun intended, haha)

Ok, so after removing all the unnecessary items and rearranging what is left here is what we have...

Much better!  It is clean, clutter-free and we don't have to remove 10 things to find what we are looking for.

Here are some usable tips for your kitchen:

1) Keep oils and vinegars within arms reach while cooking and preparing food.

2) Keep spices in a dark, dry place also within arms reach of cooking and preparing food.  I have found a drawer works perfectly for this, just make sure to label the lids of all your spices.  This will ensure you can find what you need with a quick glance.  Spice racks may seem handy and attractive sitting on your counter but the truth is when your spices are exposed to light and heat their flavor does not last as long.  What is the point of flavorless spices?

I hope this helps!