Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Resolution (and a science lesson)

As I recently described, the Murphy Family had great success with our “New year’s resolution” for 2010. Because of this success I have decided to come up with a new “resolution” for 2011. I am hesitant to call it a “New Year’s resolution” because there are so many preconceived notions about the phrase. We are not resolving to stop doing one thing. We are creating a theme for the year to keep us focused.
Our theme this year is to “get stuff done”. Basically we are tackling our ever growing procrastination. I know it is a very general statement; it was designed to tackle a wide variety of things. This statement has already proven itself as helpful. Especially when I make the mistake of sitting down after work (you know, it is the law of inertia) I tell myself “this year I am going to get stuff done” then I get off my rump and do one thing. Chances are that one thing will propel me into something else. Then I can relax peacefully when stuff is picked up and laundry is started.
I am also going to add a section at the end of each blog I write. That section will be titled “What I am up to today” and will include a list of 2 or 3 things that I have done or will do that day. This is how you all are going to keep me motivated and accountable to getting stuff done. Also, please consider this list a challenge. If you see something pop up on the list that you have been procrastinating about consider it a dare to get it done (or even a double dog dare if you need more motivation). This way we will all get stuff done and stop the negative self talk that procrastination feeds.
I am also applying this phrase to the chores I do every day. Such as laundry. Oh, how I loathe folding and putting away laundry. Some weeks we live out of laundry baskets because of my hatred for putting away laundry. Well this year I am going to “get it done” this means that I am going to just fold and put away the laundry when it comes out of the dryer instead of letting it sit (again inertia, who said science class wasn’t helpful?!) In the same way I am going to follow every chore through to completion. This means: clearing dinner dishes right away, picking up crafts when I am done and teaching Sam to pick up toys when he is done with them.

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