Thursday, October 7, 2010

What more can you ask for? Part 1

It is amazing how, at certain points in your life, everything seems to work together.

I have been experiencing this for about a month, and it has been bringing up many memories of the last time this happened...

It began in late 2008 with me getting a job at Multnomah University. After working in a hostile environment for 3 years I was ready for a change and felt God pulling me towards Multnomah. Same work, better company, better pay. What more can you ask for?
A few weeks after I got this job, Ryan (who was unemployed) got a job at Fred Meyer. Close to home, nice people and lots of hours. What more can you ask for?
A month after he got this job we moved into my mother-in-law's home. She moved to Vancouver and needed somebody to rent her house. Almost double the space, less rent. What more can you ask for?
A few weeks after we moved I went to Hawaii with my mom and sister. I cannot explain this awesome experience. It was relaxing, healing, rejuvenating. (Those words don't even give it justice.) What more can you ask for?
A month later Ryan and I found out that we were having a baby. No more infertility. No more miscarriages. The blessing of a beautiful baby. What more can you ask for?

During this 4 month span of time I continually felt God with me and guiding me. I felt him saying “Wait, child, there is more.” In between each milestone I felt eager and ready to move. Not content with how I was living and wanting to grasp more fully what God had waiting.

I really cannot explain the voice that was constantly resonating within me. Urging me to prepare for the great changes and blessings that were headed our way.

Like I said, we are in this place again. Daily we see God's brush strokes as he finishes the masterpiece he is working on. Details so amazingly intertwined that they could only come from Him.

Like I said, these times are amazing. They are a great reminder that we are not forging this road alone. There is an awesome God going before us, preparing the way.

I could give you details now, but the masterpiece is not done and I would not do it justice. One thing I know for sure is that through this experience I am learning that God's wisdom of all things and love for all people makes him worthy of following.

I can vaguely see the outline of where this road is going, and I cannot wait to get there. Although, if the road makes an unexpected turn or there are bumps along the way I can say that I will still enjoy the ride and I have faith that where we end up will be even better then where I imagine we are going.

Stay tuned.

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