Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Need motivation to lower your energy costs?

Earth Aid does just that. All you do is link your utility accounts to their website. They will begin comparing your utility usage to your usage last year. Each month that you use less energy you can earn rewards!
Visit their website to sign up. They also offer tips to lower your costs.
What a great way to continue the green initiative that should be happening in each home.
Even if you don't buy the whole "going green" philosophy, getting paid to lower your bills? Who doesn't love that?
Join Earth Aid

Friday, February 4, 2011

Stress, Anxiety and Insecurities.

I have recently begun using journaling as stress relief. Last month I began having trouble sleeping; spending hours wide awake, over thinking each and every area of my life. I quickly became anxious and stressed. While discussing this with my lovely sister, she suggested using a journaling method she uses in times like these. Her goal is to journal 3 pages, writing continuously and not filtering anything that comes to mind. Even if you can’t think of something to write, keep the pen moving. This could mean writing “I can’t think of anything to write.” Or “The pen is moving” over and over.
Once I began using this journaling method I found it very soothing. I wrote down all of the thoughts that were making me anxious, along with any actions I could take to alleviate the stress or anxiety. Writing these things down then reminds me to discuss what I need to with Ryan or take the required actions the next day.
Journaling also allows me to explore how I am feeling and why. Identifying my emotions has always been tough for me. Using this tool to work through my emotions before taking them out on whoever is around has been great.
Often, while I am writing, God places certain things on my heart, or will whisper His promises. This happened yesterday and I thought I would share the message.
First, some background: I have always dealt with several insecurities. More times than not, these insecurities stop me from speaking my mind or being open with people. I have been working on my confidence over the past year and have seen some improvements, but I still have bad days or certain situations will bring up the lingering feelings of inadequacy. I was having one of these days yesterday. Having every sentence I said questioned or judged. I realized this has been happening for a while and feeding my anxiety.
While writing about this during my journal time here is what God pressed on my heart:
“When I constantly question my thoughts or so carefully shield my sentences I am developing insecurity where God wants abundance.”
Now, this goes beyond using discretion. I encourage everybody to think about what they say, before they say it. However, I know that I have stopped myself from saying something that could have encouraged somebody or could have been something God needed them to hear. I have been allowing myself to get in the way of God’s message.
I need to hold onto God’s promises. God created me just the way I am. He adores my quirks and my odd sense of humor. Hiding this or filtering it out of each conversation is hiding a piece of God’s masterpiece. Essentially, I am smudging the paint on something God sees as perfect.
My mission this month is to step out in confidence and allow others to see the Elyse God created.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cleaning up our dirty little secrets...3

Nothing like a sleeping baby, working husband and a list of podcasts to get you in the mood to organize!
Cupboard #1-
Here is what we started with...
This cupboard is closest to the sink and dishwasher, it quickly turned into a catch-all for every reusable glass or plastic container (and of course, our sham-wows, lol).
Since canning last fall I have A LOT of extra canning jars this time of year and have no need for the dozens of salsa, juice and spaghetti sauce jars. So these all went into the curby to be recycled. The sham-wows went to the hall closet so they will stop reminding me of the silly, impulse purchase (actually Ryan convinced me to buy them more of a joke then anything).
I then used this cupboard to house all my small appliances that were taking up valuable counter space. My new rule is that things have to earn their way on our countertops. If they don't get used every day they get put away. The only thing sitting out now is our coffeepot and large cutting board.
Here is the cupboard now...

Cupboard #2-
I seemed to have lost the before picture of this cupboard. You will have to trust me that it was a disaster. This is where we stored cookbooks, water bottles and pitchers. There was not enough room for everything and the shelves were not tall enough to have the items stand up. The cupboard couldn't close and things were always falling out.
To start I got rid of all of the water bottles we had and didn't use, who wants to look at 6 Providence Hospital water bottles and remember the many stays for preterm labor? I just kept 2 water bottles and 2 travel coffee cups. We can only use 2 at a time anyway!
I removed one of the shelves to make more room to allow the cookbooks to stand up.
Here is what we ended up with...
I am so happy with how they turned out! I was also thrilled to have another box to take to goodwill, excited to clear more clutter!

What else I am up to today...
-Cleared the family room to prepare for our new roommate (my sister-in-law) to move in. I can't wait!
-Laundry, laundry, laundry!