Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cleaning up our dirty little secrets...3

Nothing like a sleeping baby, working husband and a list of podcasts to get you in the mood to organize!
Cupboard #1-
Here is what we started with...
This cupboard is closest to the sink and dishwasher, it quickly turned into a catch-all for every reusable glass or plastic container (and of course, our sham-wows, lol).
Since canning last fall I have A LOT of extra canning jars this time of year and have no need for the dozens of salsa, juice and spaghetti sauce jars. So these all went into the curby to be recycled. The sham-wows went to the hall closet so they will stop reminding me of the silly, impulse purchase (actually Ryan convinced me to buy them more of a joke then anything).
I then used this cupboard to house all my small appliances that were taking up valuable counter space. My new rule is that things have to earn their way on our countertops. If they don't get used every day they get put away. The only thing sitting out now is our coffeepot and large cutting board.
Here is the cupboard now...

Cupboard #2-
I seemed to have lost the before picture of this cupboard. You will have to trust me that it was a disaster. This is where we stored cookbooks, water bottles and pitchers. There was not enough room for everything and the shelves were not tall enough to have the items stand up. The cupboard couldn't close and things were always falling out.
To start I got rid of all of the water bottles we had and didn't use, who wants to look at 6 Providence Hospital water bottles and remember the many stays for preterm labor? I just kept 2 water bottles and 2 travel coffee cups. We can only use 2 at a time anyway!
I removed one of the shelves to make more room to allow the cookbooks to stand up.
Here is what we ended up with...
I am so happy with how they turned out! I was also thrilled to have another box to take to goodwill, excited to clear more clutter!

What else I am up to today...
-Cleared the family room to prepare for our new roommate (my sister-in-law) to move in. I can't wait!
-Laundry, laundry, laundry!


  1. You are on fire! Are you keeping up with the rest of the house that's already done, too? That's exciting news that your SIL is moving in :-D

  2. The other cupboards are still looking nice. I may post another picture of my pantry, mainly because I am so proud that it is still organized!
