Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Next Step

So, the experiment was a success, we have made some huge changes around our home! All of which are good (even if they sound odd, they are good!) I have been reading several blogs, websites and ordered some books about the lifestyle I want to live. The basic idea being this: living sustainable, natural and healthy lives dedicated to God and showing others His extreme love for us. I love all of the information I am finding. I feel like this is how I was meant to live, and have been very surprised at how easy the transitions have been.

Here is what the Murphy's have been up to...

-I started a monthly baking routine. Basically making all our baked goods for the month on one day. This month it included soaked whole wheat bread, spelt biscuits and granola bars. I loved spending a day dedicated to baking. I love that all our bread is made, so we are less tempted to buy what is cheap or on sale when it isn't what we should be eating. I think I will make some changes next month, such as adding muffins and maybe tortillas.

-We are moving to becoming a paper free home. We are taking baby steps on this one. The first change we made was moving the paper towels to a hidden spot and keeping cloth towels readily available. The next change was using cloth baby wipes. This was a big transition; however it is going very smoothly. Every other day I wash the wipes and make a new batch of the solution, I keep the wipes and the solution in a reused disposable wipe container. The next change we are planning is making moist cloth wipes for quick clean-up of the counters and spills; this will replace Lysol wipes (which we go through like crazy!) There have been 2 obvious positives with these transitions. First, we are saving money by not buying paper products (except for toilet paper, we are not going there!) Second, since I have been making the baby wipes and will be making the moist wipes I know what is added and have reduced the amount of chemicals we are exposed to.

- Ryan and I are on a sugar-cleanse. This has been easy for me (my weakness is salt), a bit more of a challenge for Ryan. This includes high-fructose corn syrup, sweets and white bread (since your body processes this the same as sugar). The main reason we are doing this is to remove the things that our bodies have created addictions to. Also there is no positive aspect of sugar, and there are so many things that feed off of sugar (including cancer). We will be adding it back in, in moderation and even then only eating natural sugars, but for the most part we will be avoiding it in the future. (Side note: I have lost 4 lbs and tons of belly fat after eliminating this, not to mention I feel GREAT!)

-While creating our meal plan and determining what we are going to eat we have been paying special attention to whole, satisfying foods and avoiding packaged food and preservatives. I have found that I have been eating less and feel better about what I am putting on the table for my dear husband and son.

-For me the most important change has been realizing that I am worth all of this. Making healthy choices for Sam has always been a no-brainer. I wouldn't feed him 1/2 the stuff I was eating. Why? Because I knew it wasn't healthy and would ruin his tiny body. Then why would I feed it to myself?! I had a huge aha moment when I realized I am just as important to this family as my dear son. It is my passion to create a peaceful, heavenly environment for him and if I am not taking care of myself that will not happen. Not only am I eating better and exercising, I am choosing to take time to relax and take care of myself.

I am so excited to see where this adventure takes us next...stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. It's awesome to see another "earth mother" out there! I'll be willing to work on baking and coming up with new ideas any time :-)
