Monday, September 20, 2010

Life as a Homemaker: Caring for the Bodies

As mothers we have such a huge responsibility to care for our children's bodies. The example we show in how we eat and how active we are is the example our children are going to take with them when they grow up and have families. The statistics on children being obese adults if their parents are obese are shocking.
Before Ryan and I had Sam we ate whatever we wanted and were rarely active. We never gave our health a second glance. We were quickly heading down the road to obesity. Once Sam started eating real foods it became apparent that we had to change something. We wanted to eat meals as a family, but I didn't want Sam to eat what we were eating. Also, I was overweight and constantly self-conscious. I don't want Sam to have to live with those feelings.
Ryan and I began a diet, we each lost upwards of 20 lbs. I began researching healthy nutrition and found “Whole/Real Foods”. Since then we have been eating real food instead of the processed junk. When planning meals this is what I consider: making from scratch is best, if I can't then I buy items that have very few ingredients and that aren't processed. My coin-phrase is “If God made it, it is good” Ryan and I have kept off our weight and have even lost more! It is amazing, when you eat the way you were meant to, your body stops becoming your enemy! I have also stopped worrying about what I can't eat, and instead focus on what I can eat. There are so many options and it is so fun to explore new ingredients.
I thought this was going to be a huge endeavor, however I am finding that it is much easier. Sam always eats what we eat, so I don't make 2 meals, and shopping trips are quick and painless because I stay on the outside rim of the grocery store and know exactly what I am buying.
We stay away from is sugar. There are no health benefits of sugar. In fact, I suggest Googling “reasons to not eat sugar” and began reading. It is disgusting what sugar does to our bodies. I substitute Sucanat or raw honey when needed.
We do not drink soda. I suggest checking out this website: . A lot of people substitute diet soda and assume that makes their soda habit ok. The “sugars” that are used to make soda “diet” are just as bad if not worse then regular soda.
In addition to what we eat, our children will model our example on exercise. As a full-time working mom I know that the biggest excuse is that we don't have time. I have fallen prey to this lie several times.
First, if you watch TV, you have time to exercise. Run around the room on commercial breaks or do lunges every time you hear a certain word.
Second, if you clean your house, you have time to exercise. Fold laundry in your living room and then put it away one piece at a time. The extra walking will be great, but if you really want a challenge, pick up the pace! Do lunges while you mop your floor or do a “speed clean” and run around picking things up for 5 minutes.
Third, if you cook dinner, you have time to exercise. Stand on your toes while you are standing at the stove, or kick you knees to your chest while you are waiting for the microwave to count down.
Are you getting the idea? There are thousands of ways to fit exercise into your daily life.
It is all about choosing to be healthy and living your life accordingly. Guess what, your children are watching.

Of course, all of this is my opinion. I suggest you do the research and come to a conclusion that is fitting for your family. However, PLEASE do not choose to do nothing and continue feeding your children junk while feeding the obesity epidemic.

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