Friday, December 10, 2010

Decking the Halls: Preparing our home for Christmas

I have so many wonderful memories of Christmas. The sights, sounds and smells of a warm home filled with a happy family. Through Jr. High and High school we lived in a beautiful house, my step-mom did a fantastic job decorating every inch of it or Christmas. I loved sitting in the living room, sipping hot cocoa and being warmed by the fireplace, there was a beautifully decorated tree and garland wrapped around the banister. My sister would fill the house with beautiful music from her current instrument of choice. Even as a teenager I remember thinking “I do not want to forget these moments”.
As Ryan and I are building our family and creating our home I am passionate about giving Sam these wonderful memories too. I believe that these memories happen in the small things, not necessarily the Christmas parties or other planned events. I also believe that when you stimulate more of your senses, memories are bound to be created.
Here are some of the things I have been doing:
Sights: I love decorating for Christmas. Last year as we were putting away our decorations I got rid of any that did not have sentimental meaning or that I didn’t love. This actually cut our decorations in half. I then shopped the after Christmas clearance; I spent $30 and picked up a new table cloth, placemats, beads for the tree, supplies for a Christmas wreath and 2 adorable statues. This year when I opened our Christmas boxes it was like an early gift to myself! I had so much fun putting up our new purchases and remembering everything I had bought. I am so happy with our decorations this year. We still have significantly less than we did last year, however now we love each and every one.
Sounds: In the Murphy house we begin listening to Christmas music the week before Thanksgiving (I know, I know). When Sam and I are home in the evening I love playing carols softly in the background. I find myself singing the lyrics to Sam, many of the old carols have profound lyrics about the reason for Christmas and what our reaction should be. What a great way to start speaking these truths into Sam’s life.
We also have several bells throughout our house. Sam found these in record time and enjoys making his own music. Something so simple, but helps remind me what time of year it is.
Now if only we could find the volume control of the toddler…
Smells: I learned a new trick this year; actually I am not even sure where I picked it up, but it totally sets the scene in our home. I fill a small sauce pot halfway with water, then I add various spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, whatever you like), bring it to a boil on the stove then reduce the heat to low. If I am home, I just let this sit on low all day; this mimics the pot of water on our woodstove as a child. Of course, check the water level periodically and add water when necessary. This makes our home smell so wonderful! It also adds a lot of moisture into the air, which helps combat the dry air the heater creates. I usually have terribly dry skin this time of year, this has helped so much.
Also, whenever I am home, you can be certain there is a candle (or 2) lit. There are so many wonderful scents this time of year, and this creates such a wonderful, warm environment.
Your turn…what are the things you do this time of year to set the scene?

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