Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 4

Day 4:

Experiment Details...

Family Fun Projects:
Our project for today was pouring the cement and decorating our stepping stones. This turned out to be quite the adventure. First our cement was too watery, so after we poured it into our mold we were going to let it set before we began decorating. Well, Sam was ready for a nap after the cement was poured, so we put him to bed, then a friend stopped by, then I picked up the house a little bit. 4 hours later I realize that the cement was in the hot sun and completely hard. So now instead of having cute, personalized stepping stones we have a 18inX18in square of solid cement. We are going to re-try this project when the pain of the failure subsides!

Ways I blessed Sam:
Washed his bedding and put a new/clean blanket in his crib (Who doesn't love that?) We also played “monster baby” this is a game Ryan and I have played with Sam since he learned how to crawl. Basically you walk out of the room screeching “MONSTER BABY!” and Sam giggles and chases you. Sometimes this is played for entertainment, sometimes this is played to get Sam out of something he shouldn't be in.

1 comment:

  1. The next day we took the stepping stones out of the mold, they completely crumbled. I think more research is necessary!
