Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 1

Day 1:

I love weekend mornings. More then that, I love summer weekend mornings. Picture windows on the east side of our home allow the sun to pour in. I love puttering around the kitchen preparing coffee for Ryan and I and breakfast for Sammy, every chance I get, stealing a glance at the beautiful scene right outside our windows. This morning was one such morning. Sam sat content with his blueberries, waffles and milk while Ryan and I enjoyed coffee together at the kitchen table. One of those mornings where the stress of the week fades away and you can feel your soul saying “aahhhhh”.

Sounds too good to be true, and my intention really isn't to make any of you feel sick! Sure things went wrong, I spilled coffee all over the shirt I planned on wearing minutes before putting it on, Sam and I had our hourly wrestling match of changing his diaper/clothes, and we were late for church. But when these things happened they rolled away. Not ruining the greatness of the morning. “aahhhhh”

Experiment details...

Family fun activity:
I made play-dough yesterday and today we played with it. Sam was a little unsure of the texture. However he soon warmed up to it when I made a ball for him, which he threw repetitively (for me to pick up, of course!) I only told him once not to put it in his mouth (huge accomplishment for the boy who has been known to eat anything!) It is made from things we eat everyday so it wouldn't have been a big deal if he decided to eat it, I just didn't want to have to make a new batch each time we decided to use it! Here is the recipe I used:

1 cup flour
½ cup salt
2 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons cream of tarter
1 cup water
Mix flour, salt, oil and cream of tarter until combined. Slowly add water while stirring. Cook over medium heat, stirring until dough becomes stiff. Turn onto wax paper, let cool. Knead until proper consistency.
You can add fruit/veggies juices to make the dough different colors, beet, carrot and spinach work well. We left ours plain. You can even use food coloring, if you feel comfortable with that.
Store in a plastic bag or container with a tight seal.

From start to finish this process took under 10 minutes. Totally worth the fun Sam and I had today!

A few ways I blessed Sam:
One of Sam's favorite activities is getting out his toys and making a mess. Once they are out he hardly plays with them, he just like the process of getting them all out! So several times today I put all of his toys away (something I usually reserve for nap and bed time). I could not believe how happy he was as he was taking them all out again. Silly boy.

I love getting down on Sam's level. Whenever I do, he giggles, “topples” me and he is full of smiles as we play on the floor. Today, I made a point of spending some time on Sam's level. Funny how something so simple can make a toddler's day!

Sam spent time with grandma today, while he was gone I spent some time picking up his room, doing his laundry and examining the floor for “choke-ables”.

That concludes our day! I say Day 1 was a huge success! Sam had fun, I was fulfilled and we all relaxed as a family. What more can you ask for?

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